Boîtier arrêt d’urgence TLP1.EPP

Boîtier arrêt d’urgence TLP1.EPP


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Boîtier arrêt d’urgence TLP1.EPP

Boîtier d’arrêt d’urgence étanche IP65. Bouton dia.40mm pousser/tirer (push/pull) et collerette de protection intégrée.

Boîtier idéalement conçu pour les hayons élévateurs de camions ou positionnés en fond de fosse ascenseur


  • équipé d’1 contact NC, bornes à ressort à connexion rapide
  • IP65 Double isolation (IEC / EN 60529) ;
  • Symboles gravés au laser selon EN 60204-1, FEM 9.941 ;
  • Résistant aux chocs et à la chaleur ;
  • Versions disponibles : de 1 à 5 trous ;
  • Disponible avec les exigences UL/CSA ;
  • Disponible sur demande également en matériau V0, approuvé par UL.
  • Disponible en version kit.

Voir la page produit sur

Weight157 g
The Giovenzana Company can be qualified as a leader in the market for interface and safety components applied to the automation, lifting, handling, control and elevator sectors. For many years Giovenzana has been a driving force for innovation and draws its strength from its ability to work together and in close collaboration with the major manufacturers present in these markets. Giovenzana is also an authentic supplier oftailor-made solutionswhich can boast a long track record of custom industrial achievements. The Giovenzana standard range, for its part, is perfectly adapted to the needs of the large European market and is also very successful on the export markets. Giovenzana, present for almost half a century, intends to continue its strong development with the support of its customers. In this spirit, the current management staff looks to the future with serenity without losing sight of the major axes which are investment, reliability and the total quality of its products. Giovenzana International is ISO 9001 certified and its production covers the main international UL/CSA approvals; VDE; IMQ; CCC; GHOST...
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